
November 2007

All I want for Christmas…

We braved the mall on Saturday.  It’s already crazy busy.  I’m really not a huge fan.  But we promised we’d take the boys to see Santa.  Noah came prepared.  He brought one of his toy catalogs.

This year, I’ve been asking him what he wants from Santa.  I hate to admit it, but I’ve been sort of trying to steer him away from things I know we’re not interested in getting him.  Thankfully, on Saturday, he decided he wants construction vehicles that he found in his catalog.  (We won’t necessarily buy him those specific ones, but maybe something similar).  So he brought the picture along to show Santa.

I also asked Caden what he wants from Santa.

“Hmm,” he said.  (That’s his response to most questions lately!)

Again, a little coaching from Mom and Dad.  “Maybe a new fire truck?”

“Uh-huh!  Santa, fire truck!”

As we waited in line, Caden stood sort of behind and to the right of Santa (but really not near him) and said, “Santa, fire truck!”  He was set.

Now it was our turn.  Caden walked right up to Santa and said, “Santa, fire truck!”

Noah climbed up, and proceeded to show Santa the catalog.  Santa thought the trucks looked very cool.  But then he said (bless his heart), “Sometimes the best present from Santa is a surprise!  Something you weren’t expecting!”

Have they been coached?  Maybe.  Does he have a ton of kids of his own and he knows exactly what we’re going through?  Maybe.  Whatever the reason, this man knew the right thing to say!

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