
January 2009

Forever in “holey” blue jeans

Noah, my 5-year-old, is very active. He rarely sits still. He can sit mostly still when we read books, and I think he does okay at school during circle time. When he plays, if he’s doing something on the floor, he kneels on his right knee. He often slides down onto that right knee when he lands to do things on the floor or ground. I can’t tell you the number of grass stains I’ve had to get out of his pants, mostly from that right knee.

Noah also prefers to wear jeans. I suppose that’s mostly my influence, since I’m in jeans most of the time when I’m not working. If I suggest that he wear khakis or cords, he wonders if we’re going to church. Needless to say, his jeans take a beating.

Today, he put a hole into his jeans (these jeans are pretty new-I won’t be buying jeans from that store again). Yesterday, he put a hole into another pair of jeans. A few weeks ago, he put a hole into a different pair of jeans. All told, he’s put holes into close to 10 pairs of jeans. Here are the latest casualties:

Noah's jeans

How do I make this stop?! Are patches on the knees too dorky? (Is the word “dorky” too dorky?) I can’t afford to keep buying jeans every two weeks!

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