
May 2009

Wednesday Weigh-in: Final Week

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

I made it! It’s our last week-at least for this challenge! I’ll try to keep up with the Sisterhood with the next challenge which is apparently starting on June 3. I’ve got a few weeks to slack! Just kidding! I’m sort of loving Shredding with Jillian again, but realizing that I’m still missing running. I’ve got to get back out there!

Initial weight: 124.0
Final weight: 123.0

Not a huge change in weight, but I’m noticing some more tone in my arms and thighs. I didn’t take measurements, but I did take pictures. Those won’t show up here, or anywhere for that matter! I’m still not happy with my pooch, but that’s another story.

I’ve been loving the Sisterhood, keeping me going with my workouts, no matter how much I want to sleep in in the morning! I’ll stay with it.


In other news, I’ve breathed a HUGE sigh of relief this morning when I confirmed that all of our paperwork was received by the lady at Macy’s and then heard from our Disney representative who will be helping to organize our crazy-cool vacation that I WON!!!

I’d been walking around with a terribly uneasy feeling in my stomach for about 3 days until I heard from the Macy’s lady today. I was so nervous that I would have to come back to bloggy-land to tell all four of you that we weren’t going on a vacation of a lifetime. But it’s all good. We’ll be heading cross-country a couple of times to partake in some amazing adventures at both Disney theme parks. I still can’t believe this is happening to us!

Oh, and by the way, I did buy some Powerball tickets for last Saturday, because I figured I was in a lucky run. Well, out of the 25 numbers and 5 Powerball numbers that got picked for me, only one matched! ONE!!! Oh well. I’m going to Disneyland/World!


One last thing. I’m happy to report a one-two punch these past two evenings, as my favorite on DWTS, Shawn Johnson, won last night, and then tonight, Kris Allen won on American Idol! Awesome!

6 comments to Wednesday Weigh-in: Final Week

  • I think you’re doing great!! Keep up the fantastic work!

  • Lisa McC

    Great news about the trip, Sarah! When do you go?

  • Congrats on your loss! Keep up the good work with Shredding, too!

    Still can’t believe you won that trip! AMAZING! Exciting! Hope you have the best time ever 🙂

  • You are doing wonderful!!

    I am so behind on blogs. YOU WON A TRIP???? Awesome!

  • Congrats on the weight loss (any loss is good) on firming up (try taking mesurements they show up faster) and the vacation…

    I’m the one sending you your weight loss challenge prize…I’ll be in the mail this weekend.

  • Sandy

    I can not believe you actually won a vacation. Seems like those things are always a scam. Yeahh!!!!!!!